Thursday, August 3, 2017

I forgot to publish this with a title, now I'm coming up dry as I add one. Uhhh. . . Suspension stuff. There. That's all you're getting from me.

Okay, so now that we've uncovered the thing that's sure to be responsible for how I die, let's take a look at the condition of the rest of the suspension.  I've taken pictures of the driver side components, which are probably slightly better off than the passenger side. 

So the ball joints and motor mounts are done.  That's about what I'd expected, so all's well on that front.  I'll get pictures of the upper and lower control arm bushings once they're out, but I'll give you a hint as to how they look: god awful.  Tie rod ends may as well get the hell out of there, too.

After finding the blown coil last night, I decided to pre-treat all the fasteners I'll be freeing with some slip sauce.  Figured I'd also slather some on the head and manifold fasteners, too, despite that work not coming up for a while.

In case you're asking what that might be, here's your answer:

When I returned today, the shock tower fasteners wound out with next to no complaints.  The shocks, however. . . Well, "shock".  It seems that the shock that accompanies the popped coil has been doing the work of maintaining tension, so it complained rather sharply when I got the tower cap off.  Nothing too bad; just slapped the inner fender panel and made me jump and cuss like Yosemite Sam.

I'm back at the house for a moment, but heading back to finish the job.  If there are no more updates after this, send someone out to seek revenge on the coil that killed me.  Also remember this: never trust honky teeth.

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