Monday, October 15, 2018

Happy Birthdays

Today has been a celebration of new life.  The still silence of a concealed, cottony vessel was broken as a stream of fresh beings came scrambling forth to embrace the opportunities, risks, and adventures that fate has deemed them worthy to receive. 

As they spread over their small patch of newfound territory, some decided to throw their lives to the winds of circumstance and catch a ride with whatever they found that happened to be moving in any direction away from their native land.

Since arriving at the shop this morning, I've been picking tiny spiders off of myself.  All.  Damn. Day.  They all tried to go up my sleeves once they were discovered, so after a while I stopped bothering to try not to kill them.  I mean, I didn't go out of my way to kill them, but I had to prioritize finishing up with rebuilding my distributor. 

Despite my blood offerings, the distributor still isn't done. It would be, but the e-clip that secures the pickup plate to the baseplate evaporated.  I have a million count e-clip assortment.  Somewhere.  I'll be damned if I know where, though.  Still, the rest of it is all ready to go, then I can check my rotor and armature phasing and set my base timing.

The steering pump was mounted up and checking pulley alignment was a breeze.  Because the pulley as it sits will be a little more than half an inch too far inboard, of course.  Not too worried, though -- looks like the front, stamped bracket can be modified to correct the issue fairly easily.  That's right; I'll be attempting ps pump bracket modification again. 

Not immediately, though, as tasks are queued according to what's necessary to achieve and maintain first start.  After the distributor, it's tying up some loose ends with various systems and determining what belt is needed on the alternator side of things, since I don't have an AC compressor to allow me to use the original belt routing.

That's been the biggest reason for the space between updates, actually; I've been swarmed by lots of little things that aren't too remarkable on their own. 

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