Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Congratulations! User! Photobucket is run by scumbags!

Just a quick fart in the canyon here:

If you're like me, over the past several months you've been getting repeatedly kicked in the bad times when searching for just about any kind of community-created documentation online.  I'm not taking about Google's search engine going to complete shit in service of "we only return what index entries we can monetize, while also ignoring our own search modifiers in order to serve ads and nebulously-related e-commerce sites," no.  For now, you can still manage to get some relevant info by spending 5x as much time and effort to cut through the crap you're given as a reward for your carefully crafted search string.

What I'm talking about are the fuckheads at Photobucket who weren't satisfied by making it incredibly difficult to use 3/4 of the tutorials that people spent a ton of time and effort on to document information that was nearly impossible to reference through other means.  Once they realized they weren't wringing the cash out of members that they had hoped to, the upped their game by guaranteeing that a visit to their site is just a temporary stop on your way to your browser session being hijacked to alert you that your tab is now useless, but you and a thousand other people won a Samsung iGift Amazon phone card.

Photobucket, please accept these words that I have pulled up for you, from the deepest places in my heart, "Fuck yourselves to death."

Libraries be burnin' and not a mallow or a fiddle to be had.

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